Two Stenberg College students share their love story by drawing hearts in the sand

Love story of the decade – Angela and Anthony

When Stenberg grad and Licensed Optician Anthony (Ton-Ton) met Angela (El), he felt a connection that he could not explain. That connection made him bear the heartache of being away from the love of his life for a decade. Ton-Ton and El met through a mutual friend when they were teenagers in the Philippines. El was Anthony’s cousin’s friend. When Anthony was looking for a prom date, his cousin arranged for El to go with him. It might not have been the perfect date but Anthony knew, there was something special about Angela. Their friendship developed into a mutual liking, then love, but then heartache. Anthony’s family was moving to Canada. He had to say goodbye to Angela but promised to write her love letters.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, their hearts were beating the same beat. Their love bloomed through love letters sent via snail mail and international long distance phone calls. Anthony was working hard alongside his family to buy a home. He worked a couple of odd jobs before finding a stable opportunity at a home improvement store. Anthony rose through the ranks at the store with hard work. All this while, he was aware that he had to do something about his relationship with El. It had already been a decade of writing love letters and talking over the phone. Angela needed commitment. Afraid to lose El, Anthony made a surprise, spontaneous trip to the Philippines and asked Angela for her hand. Within a week, they were Mr. and Mrs. Generoso.

After the wedding, Angela moved to Canada. Their wedding instilled a new spirit in Anthony and pushed him to achieve more in life. After 13 years of working at the home improvement store, Anthony realized it was time to move on. On a customer’s advice, he chose a career as a Licensed Optician and joined Stenberg College. He worked full-time to support his family while finishing the program. He passed the licensing exam with flying colours and credits his success to Angela’s constant motivation. Today, life is good for the couple. Anthony is working as a successful Licensed Optician and the happy couple are expecting their first baby. Could there be a sweeter and more fitting love story to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

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Program: Licensed Optician

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