Student Support

Academic Policies

Assignment Requirements

All assignments must be submitted with the following specifications:

  • Typed (handwritten assignments will not be accepted unless specified by the instructor)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12-point font in Times New Roman or Arial
  • 1″ margins

Assignment Extensions

Under exceptional circumstances, you may request an extension for an assignment (such as a paper, project, presentation, etc.) from your instructor. You must make this request in writing prior to the assignment due date in order for it to be considered. Assignment extensions are granted or denied at the instructor’s discretion. Granted extensions will not be counted as a rewrite.

Late Assignments

All assignments are to be completed and submitted on or before the due date and time. If you do not complete an assignment by the due date and time (without making prior arrangements), you will have marks deducted accordingly:

  • If submitted within 24 hours after the deadline, you will receive a 10% deduction;
  • If submitted within 48 hours after the deadline, you will receive a 20% deduction;
  • If submitted within 72 hours after the deadline, you will receive a 30% deduction.

No late assignments will be accepted after 72 hours have passed from the submission deadline.

You will receive a grade of zero (0) for the assignment and you may use a rewrite (if applicable). The Policy Alert Process will be applied if you demonstrate a pattern of late assignment submissions.

Please note that some courses have assignments that are graded as Mastery/Non-Mastery (including Practice Education assignments, Career Search Strategies assignments, etc.) and therefore, the late assignment deductions as above are not applicable. You must submit these assignments as directed in order to receive the required grade of Mastery

All assignments that are found to be plagiarized will receive a grade of zero (0) and will be subject to the Academic Misconduct Policies.

Late Assessments

Online assessments (quizzes, Midterm Exams, Final Exams, etc.) have varying time periods of when they are available. You must begin and complete all online assessments within the scheduled times. Students must contact the course instructor immediately regarding any assessment concerns. You will not be permitted any extra time on your assessments if you begin late.

On-site assessments (quizzes, Midterm Exams, Final Exams, etc.) will be scheduled at specified times as set by your instructor. If you arrive late to a scheduled on-site assessment without prior 

communication, or without sufficient evidence of an unforeseen emergency and/or illness, you will not be permitted to attempt it and will be required to complete it at a later time. The highest grade you will be awarded will be the minimum passing grade for your program.

Missed Assessments

If you miss a scheduled quiz, you must reach out to your course instructor and Student Success Coordinator within 24 hours of the quiz closing time. You must then write the quiz within 48 hours of the closing time, and the highest grade you will be awarded will be the minimum passing grade for your program.

If you miss a scheduled Midterm or Final Exam, you must provide sufficient evidence of an unforeseen emergency and/or illness and submit this evidence to the course instructor and Student Success Coordinator within 24 hours of the exam closing time. The exam must be written at a time specified by the Student Services team. The highest grade you will be awarded will be the minimum passing grade for your program. This will not be counted as a rewrite.

Missed Lab/Practical Skills Assessments

Lab/practical skills assessments are graded as Mastery/Non-Mastery. If you miss a scheduled lab/practical skills assessment, you will receive Non-Mastery and will be required to use a rewrite (if available) to take the assessment at a later time, as determined by your instructor.

Online Participation

You will be asked to participate in various online activities throughout your program, which will contribute to your overall participation grade. Your participation in all activities must maintain complete confidentiality and anonymity of any individuals referenced in summaries, forum posts, and replies. Names or any other identifying descriptions are not permitted.

Professionalism and netiquette (online etiquette) are key components of communication; therefore, displaying an exemplary and consistent attitude, encouraging and being respectful to others, and adhering to the rules of netiquette are essential requirements for posting and communicating in an online environment. Your participation mark will be based on your ability to adhere to these expectations, as outlined in the Student Handbook: Participation Rubrics.

Grading Scale & Rewrites

Stenberg College has minimum passing grades. You must obtain the minimum grade in a course in order to pass. A program-specific Grading Scale and Rewrite Policy will be provided during your Orientation course and is applicable for the duration of your program.

The courses within Stenberg College programs are highly integrated and sequential in nature. Each course builds the prerequisite knowledge for the next. All courses, including the Practice Education experiences, Personal & Professional Development Skills (PPD) modules, and the Career Search Strategies course (if applicable) must be passed in order to complete the program and receive a diploma. If you do not pass a course, you will not be eligible to advance to the next course with the rest of your cohort and will be dismissed from the program.

Below are the academic progression requirements for each program:

  • Direct Entry Business Diploma – Marketing Specialization: 60%
  • Cardiology Technologist: 70%
  • Counselling Therapist Diploma: 70%
  • Counselling Therapist (Private Practice) Diploma: 70%
  • Early Childhood Educator/Preschool Teacher: 70%
  • Early Childhood Education with Coop: 70%
  • Post-Basic Infant Toddler and Special Needs Early Childhood Educator: 70%
  • Post-Basic Infant Toddler Early Childhood Educator: 70%
  • Health Care Assistant: 65%
  • Health Care Assistant – International: 65%
  • Health Care Assistant with Coop Diploma: 65%
  • International Health Care Assistant with Coop Diploma: 65%
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant: 70%
  • Nursing Unit Clerk: 70%
  • Optician Diploma: 70%
  • Practical Nursing: 65%
  • Pharmacy Technician: 80%
  • Regional Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing: 65%
  • Education Assistant: 70%
  • Therapeutic Recreation Assistant (Gerontology Specialization): 70% 

Students must obtain the minimum overall percentage in each course or a designation of mastery in lab/clinical coursework in order to pass the course. Students must also achieve the passing grade percentage on final exams. 

Student who are initially unsuccessful on an examination, assignment, or lab/practical skills Test (received lower than the passing percentage or non-mastery) may have the opportunity to rewrite to achieve a passing grade. There is a maximum number of rewrites that can be used during the full program – this will be included in the program-specific Grading Scale and Rewrite Policy given to students at program orientation

Typing Requirements

Typing and administrative skills are a key component to being successful in a hospital or medical office/medical lab environment. Human Resources departments from a number of the Health Authorities, private clinics, and labs have directly informed our Practice Education Department of the importance of accurate and efficient keyboarding skills. In fact, most HR departments use a typing and medical terminology examination as a screening tool, prior to the actual interview.

Students are required to practice typing regularly throughout the program to achieve and maintain a proficient typing speed. Emphasis is placed on increasing accuracy and speed over time. Regular assessments will be conducted to monitor progress and provide feedback. Note that in the NUC program, a specific keyboarding speed is required for practicum placement.


Students who require additional support in any aspect of their program are provided the opportunity to request academic accommodations during the admissions process. This allows sufficient time to assess the feasibility of the request and arrange approved resources before the program begins. Examples of requested accommodations include extended time on assessments, quiet or private testing environments, and assistive technology.

If a student experiences a change in health or recognizes the need for accommodations after the program start date, they must contact their Student Success Coordinator, who will connect them with the Accessibility Coordinator to evaluate the request. It is crucial to request accommodations as early as possible to ensure timely arrangements can be made, if approved. Supporting documentation, such as a physician’s note, is required to process requests.

While the College is committed to supporting all students, approval for requested accommodations is not guaranteed. Accommodations are subject to resource availability, practical constraints, and industry requirements.

At Stenberg College, appropriate accommodations are chosen to allow a student living with a disability to successfully meet program requirements via alternate means without any compromise to academic integrity. Every student is afforded the same respect, consideration and dignity in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Policy Alert Process

All Stenberg College students must adhere to all policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook. A Policy Alert Process is initiated if there are concerns related to your academic performance, behaviours, attendance or other aspects that may impact your ability to remain within the policy requirements.

All levels of the Policy Alert Process are communicated with applicable Student Success Coordinators, Department Heads, and/or Managers. All levels of this process are applicable at any stage of your program.

Campus Information

Surrey Campuses

Our Main Campus is located in Suite 750 (7th floor of the Central City Office Tower) at 13450 102 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3T 5X3. We also have two King George Campuses, which are located at 10060 and 10072 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC, V3T 2W4.


Students are able to access the Main Campus from 8:00am-10:00pm, Monday to Friday, via the Central City Office Tower elevators from the ground floor. Washrooms are located outside the elevators, next to the campus on the 7th floor. The campus and washrooms are wheelchair accessible. Note that after 5:30pm, you must coordinate with your instructor to gain access to the 7th floor. The campus is also open on Saturdays from 8:30am-4:00pm, but only for students with classes scheduled. You will also need to coordinate with your instructor to gain access to the 7th floor on Saturdays.

The King George Campuses are open on weekdays, evenings and weekends if classes or labs are scheduled. These campuses are only accessible to current students when attending classes or labs, and they are not open to the general public. Access to the 2nd floor of the 10060 King George Blvd. building can be reached via the elevator at the back of the building. Access to the elevator must be arranged with instructors or staff as the rear doors are not unlocked. Washrooms are located on the 1st and 2nd floors, and both are wheelchair accessible.

Transportation & Parking

The Main Campus is located a 5-minute walk from the Surrey Central SkyTrain station and bus terminal. The King George Campuses are located an 8-minute walk from the King George SkyTrain stations and bus terminal.

All parking lots surrounding the Main Campus and King George Campuses are owned and operated by private companies. Therefore, Stenberg College is not able to provide parking passes, nor assist with any parking violation claims. All students are responsible for their own transportation costs during their program.


If you wish to use a classroom to study, work on group projects, or any other academic activities at our Main Campus, please review the daily campus schedule posted at our reception desk. You may only use classrooms during regular access hours and if space is available. Students are not permitted to use or move any classroom equipment (such as instructor computers, projectors, etc.) without the assistance of a facilities staff member.

Students are only permitted to use classrooms at the King George Campuses if you are accompanied by a staff or faculty member. Students are not permitted to use or move any classroom equipment (such as instructor computers, projectors, etc.) without the assistance of a facilities staff member.


Students are not permitted to use any labs or lab equipment at any of our campuses without the supervision of a lab instructor.


The Main Campus has other facilities for students to use on a first-come, first-serve basis.

These facilities include:

  • Computer Areas: There are open access computer stations on campus. No food or drinks are allowed in and around the computer areas. No personal files are to be saved on the computer hard drives. Campus computers may only be used for academic purposes. Any computer malfunctions should be reported to [email protected].
  • Lunchroom: Located across from Room 717. Equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, sink, and eating area. No personal food items are to be left in the lunchroom overnight.
  • Lounge: Located between Room 721 and Room 728. Equipped with sofas and a small table. Students must be mindful of their speaking volume in this area, as it is not enclosed from the hallway.
  • Scanner & Copier & Print station computer: Located in the hallway next to Room 723. Students are not to request copying or scanning services from campus reception.
  • Telephone: Located in the student lunchroom. Please limit phone call time and be mindful of your speaking volume.
  • Testing Areas: Students with pre-approved special accommodations (confirmed during the admissions process) will have a testing area assigned.

The King George campuses have other facilities for students to use on a first-come, first-serve basis. These facilities include:

  • Computer & Printer: Located in the hallway on the second floor. May be used to print small documents, free of charge. Students are not permitted to use the large printer or photocopier on the ground floor.
  • Lunchrooms: Located on the ground floor in the lobby area, and on the second floor next to Room G202. Both are equipped with a refrigerator, microwave and sink. No personal food items are to be left in the lunchroom overnight.
  • Lounge: Located in Room G106 on the ground floor. Equipped with sofas, tables and computers. No food or drinks are allowed in and around the computer areas. No personal files are to be saved on the computer hard drives. Campus computers may only be used for academic purposes. Any computer malfunctions should be reported to [email protected].

All facilities are shared spaces, and you are required to maintain cleanliness and respectful conduct in all areas.

Surrey Central Nursing Labs

These labs are located in the Central City Shopping Centre on the second floor, above Boston Pizza. Students in designated programs will be granted access to these labs by their lab instructors, as required. They are not open to the general public.

Satellite Campuses & Labs

We have several satellite campuses and labs located across Canada, including Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Vancouver Island and various other locations in British Columbia. We also work closely with other institutions to be able to deliver select programs in various regions.

Safe Walk Services

For any students attending the Main Campus and Central City Nursing Labs, you can be escorted to parking or public transit in the evening or if you feel unsafe. Please call (604) 588-7855 and a security escort will meet you.

General Program Policies

Program Schedules

Students are provided with a Program Schedule prior to beginning their program, which displays a calendar of course session dates, contractor workshop dates, Stat Holidays, and other important events during your program.

Program Schedules are shared through a “live” document link, and it is recommended to bookmark this link for easy future access. Please only view your Program Schedule through the link provided, and do not download or print a copy.

Although we work very hard to limit changes after your program begins, your Program Schedule is subject to change. Therefore, you are responsible for reviewing your Program Schedule on a weekly basis to ensure you are always viewing the most current schedule. For major program delivery changes, you will also receive an email notification to your Stenberg student email address.

Time Zones

Stenberg College is based out of British Columbia but provides online education across several provinces. To maintain consistency, all references to live session schedules, exam opening and closing times, instructor office hours, etc. are given in Pacific Time (PT). You are responsible for converting program times to your local time zone to ensure that you meet program deadlines and attendance requirements.

Statutory Holidays

Stenberg College observes the following statutory holidays: Labour Day, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, and BC Day.

All sites will be closed on the above statutory holidays, and regular staff will not be available. For some programs, you may be required to complete theory coursework or attend practicums on statutory holidays. Other programs may not have coursework on statutory holidays, but schedules may be shifted to accommodate.

Please refer to your Program Schedule regularly to be aware of any scheduling changes due to statutory holidays.

Campus Closures

All sites are closed on statutory holidays. Sites are also subject to closure due to weather or other conditions that are a safety risk. For information about specific procedures in extreme circumstances, please refer to our Health & Safety Policies.

Please check the Stenberg website, Facebook page, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts for school closure updates.

Our switchboard message should also be updated if there are any closures. Snow days or any other closure of campuses are at the discretion of the Executive Director. Campus will be in session if the majority of the students can travel safely.

Because of the varied topography within the Lower Mainland, hazardous conditions occasionally may exist in a limited area while roads in the remainder of the surrounding city are safe for travel. If instructors believe conditions in their area make it unsafe for them to travel to school, Stenberg College will support their decision and make alternative arrangements to host the session online, if possible. However, if the campus is open and an instructor decides to cancel a class, they will be required to host a mandatory make-up session.

Program Start Dates 

The next program start dates are as follows:

  • Cardiology Technologist: December 1st, 2025
  • Counselling Therapist (Private Practice) Diploma: March 10, 2025; October 6, 2025
  • Optician Diploma: April 28, 2025; November 3, 2025
  • Eary Childhood Educator/Preschool Teacher: January 6, 2025; April 7, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • Early Childhood Education with Coop: January 6, 2025; April 7, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • Post-Basic Infant, Toddler and Special Needs Early Childhood Education: January 7, 2025, March 25, 2025; August 5, 2025
  • Post-Basic Infant Toddler Early Childhood Educator: January 7, 2025, March 25, 2025; August 5, 2025
  • Health Care Assistant: January 20, 2025; May 12, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • Health Care Assistant – International: February 17, 2025; June 16, 2025
  • Health Care Assistant with Coop Diploma: January 20, 2025; May 12, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • International health Care Assistant with Coop Diploma: February 17, 2025; June 16, 2025
  • Nursing Unit Clerk: January 6, 2025; May 5, 2025; September 15, 2025
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant: January 13, 2025; April 28, 2025; July 14, 2025; October 20, 2025
  • Practical Nursing: February 18, 2025; June 2, 2025; October 20, 2025
  • Pharmacy Technician: February 3, 2025; May 5, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • Education Assistant: March 31, 2025; September 8, 2025
  • Regional Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing: April 16, 2025
  • Direct Entry Business Diploma – Marketing Specialization: April 7, 2025; July 7, 2025; October 15, 2025
  • Direct Entry Business Diploma – Marketing Specialization with Coop: April 7, 2025; July 7, 2025; October 15, 2025
  • Therapeutic Recreation Assistant – Gerontology Specialization: April 7, 2025; October 20, 2025

Health & Mental Health Services and Support

Health & Wellness

Stenberg College is committed to all aspects of our students’ success, be it academic or personal. Her are some of the services available in Surrey and throughout BC:

Emergency Services
Workplace Safety
  • WorkSafeBC: Protecting workers through comprehensive safety programs, injury prevention, and compensation services. 
Public Health

BC Public Health: Supports public health programs such as vaccinations, sexual health, maternal health, and nutrition. To find a clinic near you, you can search here:

Mental Health Services in BC

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. BC provides a wide range of mental health resources to help support you. 

Mental Health Crisis Services
  • BC Crisis Centre: Provides immediate support, including 24/7 crisis lines for those in need of urgent assistance. Call or text 9-8-8 or the BC Mental Health support line 310-6789 (no area code needed) for confidential help.
Mental Health and Addiction Support
    • Foundry BC: Offers youth mental health and wellness services for individuals aged 12-24, including counseling, peer support, and other resources.
    • BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services: Specializes in treating mental health and substance use disorders. Access in-person services and support via phone or online consultations.
  • Here2Talk offers free counselling and support services for post-secondary students in BC. 

Stenberg College Wellness Centre : Stenberg College offers free virtual counseling services.

Addiction & Overdose Training and Supports

Addiction and overdose are serious issues in BC, and it’s important to know how to respond. BC offers various programs for individuals facing addiction as well as for those looking to learn about overdose prevention and response.

Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Training
  • Take Home Naloxone Program: Free access to naloxone kits for people at risk of an opioid overdose. Learn how to administer naloxone to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. For more information, visit your local pharmacy or health clinic.
Addiction Treatment & Recovery

BC Addiction Recovery Programs: Includes detoxification services, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and harm reduction programs, as well as access to per support, rehab programs, and mental health supports. Available through community clinics, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations across the province.


Off-Campus Housing 

There are many off-campus housing options close to Stenberg College’s campus. These include: 

  • Shared Apartments: Rent a room in a shared apartment with other students. Rent typically ranges from $600 to $1,200 monthly, depending on the location and amenities. 
  • Basement Suites: Many local homeowners rent basement suites, which are a private and affordable option for students. 
  • Homestay Programs: Live with a local family to immerse yourself in Canadian culture. Homestays typically include meals and cost between $800 and $1,200 per month. For more information, please visit Canada Homestay Network 

Searching for Housing 

When searching for a place to stay while you study, you will need to consider looking for accommodation that suits your needs and budget. 

Here are a few resources to start your housing search: 

Tips for Finding Housing 

  • Start your search early to ensure you find the best options. 
  • Consider the availability and convenience of public transportation routes to the campus when selecting a location to live. 
  • Always visit a property in person or through virtual tours before signing a lease. 
  • Be cautious of scams. Never send money without verifying the legitimacy of the listing. 

Tenancy Rights for Students in British Columbia 

If you’re a student renting in British Columbia, it’s essential to know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. Whether you’re renting a room, an apartment, or a house, understanding your tenancy rights helps protect you from unfair practices and ensures you’re treated fairly.  

Understanding the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) 

The Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) is the law in BC that outlines the legal relationship between tenants and landlords. It covers everything from how leases are created to the rights tenants have when it comes to rent increases and eviction notices. As a student tenant, the RTA provides protections such as the right to a written lease, the right to privacy, and the right to dispute any unfair treatment or practices. 

Dispute Resolution and Resources for Students 

If you encounter issues with your landlord such as disputes over rent, repairs, or eviction—there are resources available to help resolve conflicts: 

  • Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB): The RTB manages tenancy disputes in BC. If you cannot resolve a problem with your landlord directly, you can file a complaint with the RTB, which can facilitate mediation or adjudicate disputes. 
  • Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC): TRAC is a non-profit organization that provides information and support to tenants in BC. They offer resources on tenant rights and can assist in resolving disputes with landlords. 

Tenant’s Insurance 

Obtaining tenant’s insurance is a straightforward process that protects renters in the case of unexpected damage or loss of property. Tenant’s insurance, also known as renter’s insurance, covers personal property from damage, theft, or loss, and includes liability protection in case of accidents or damage to the rental property. Tenant’s insurance can also cover costs in the event of having to leave your home temporarily due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a natural disaster. 

If you’re interested in getting tenant’s insurance, you can get started by researching insurance providers in your area— as many offer policies specifically for renters. While researching tenant’s insurance, be sure to compare quotes and understand what’s covered as it can vary between different companies, and not all insurance policies will cover the same things. Most insurers allow you to apply online, over the phone, or through an agent. The cost of tenant’s insurance is generally affordable and can provide peace of mind in case of unexpected events. 

For more information on housing & housing assistance, please contact International Student Services by calling the campus at 604-580-2772.  

Transportation & Living in Surrey

Transportation & Living in Surrey 

Surrey, BC is a dynamic and diverse city, offering a blend of urban conveniences and suburban charm with much to offer in terms of daily life, convenience, accessibility, and recreation. 

Transportation Services  

Surrey is well-connected by various transportation options, making it easy to navigate the city and the broader Metro Vancouver region. 

Public Transit 

The TransLink network provides excellent coverage throughout Greater Vancouver and Surrey, including bus services and rapid transit. The SkyTrain serves key areas such as the King George Station, and Surrey’s Bus Loop at Surrey Central Station, close to where Stenberg College’s campus is located. The SkyTrain connects passengers to major routes, making travel to Vancouver and other neighbouring cities efficient. TransLink’s comprehensive bus system also reaches suburban and residential areas, providing access to key destinations like shopping malls, parks, and schools. 


For those who may need additional support, HandyDART offers an accessible door-to-door transportation service for individuals with disabilities, ensuring everyone has equal access to mobility within Surrey. 

Car Services 

Surrey also has several private transportation options, including ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. For longer trips, the EVO Car Share program allows individuals to rent cars by the hour, providing flexibility for residents who may not own a vehicle. 

Cycling and Walking Paths 

There is an extensive network of bike lanes and multi-use trails in Surrey, and the many parks and green spaces offer scenic routes for daily commutes or leisure walks. 

Child Care  

For families with young children, there are a variety of childcare services available, ensuring that children are well cared for while parents are at work or otherwise occupied. 

Daycares and Preschools 

There are numerous licensed daycare centers and preschools throughout Surrey, including options for both full-time and part-time care. These facilities provide safe and engaging environments for children to learn and socialize.  

You can search here for licensed childcare facilities in the greater Surrey area: 

After-School Programs 

For school-aged children, Surrey offers a range of after-school care programs. The Surrey School District provides before-and-after-school care at select elementary schools. Additionally, many community centers and private organizations run after-school programs that include arts, sports, and homework help. 

Financial Assistance for Child Care 

The government offers financial assistance to eligible families through the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI),  cover the costs of childcare. Surrey families can access this program through local childcare providers. 

Community Services 

Internet and Mobile Services 

There are several internet and mobile providers offering coverage throughout Greater Vancouver, including Telus, and Rogers. Whether you need high-speed internet for your home or mobile plans for your smartphone, there are numerous options that you can explore to meet your needs. 

Postal Services 

Surrey is home to several Canada Post locations, making it easy to send mail, parcels, and access other postal services. There is a Canada Post location at Surrey Central where Stenberg College’s campus is located offering services ranging from regular mail to express shipping. 

Libraries and Community Centers 

Surrey has a network of public libraries and community centers that facilitate communication and engagement. The Surrey Libraries system includes branches such as the City Centre Library and Fleetwood Library where residents can access books, digital resources, and attend community events. Community centers like the Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex and the Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre also offer local programs and events. 


Surrey hosts branches of all major Canadian banks, including Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), TD Canada Trust, Bank of Montreal (BMO), and Scotiabank. Whether you need to open a new account or simply access your funds, you can find a branch nearby. ATMs are also available throughout the city for easy cash withdrawal. To open a bank account in Canada, you will need a valid passport, a study permit, and your current address.  

Credit Unions 

For a more community-focused banking experience, Surrey also has several credit unions, including the Vancity Credit Union. These institutions often offer competitive rates and services tailored to the local community. 

Online and Mobile Banking 

With the rise of digital banking, many Surrey residents rely on online banking and mobile banking apps to manage their finances. Most banks in Surrey offer online services, allowing users to check balances, pay bills, transfer money, and even invest through mobile-friendly platforms. 


International students enrolled in full-time programs of six months or longer are eligible to work off-campus for up to 24 hours per week during the duration of their program. Students will need a Social Insurance Number in order to work in Canada. This can be applied for at a Service Canada Centre or online 

Employment Standards Act 

British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act (ESA) sets the minimum standards for conditions of employments within the province and helps to maintain a fair working environment, contributing to the protection of worker’s rights and responsible business practices. It sets out rules for wages, hours of work, time off, vacation pay, statutory holidays, severance pay, and a number of other topics. The Employment Standards Act ensures that employees are treated fairly by establishing baseline protection and applies to most employees and employers in BC with a few exceptions.  

Support Services & Resources

Students will have access to various support services and resources during their studies at Stenberg College. These include online resources, software and tools, and specialized staff members. Support staff are available during regular business hours and support students on a first come, first served basis. Students should expect responses from support staff within 1-3 business days. Urgent requests can be accommodated in extenuating circumstances.

Academic Supports & Tutoring

If you need extra support beyond your regular course instruction and instructor’s office hours, Stenberg College works with a network of staff and tutors to support you with various academic topics. These include study skills, academic writing (including APA formatting), English language, anatomy & physiology, math, typing speed, computer skills, and more. There is no cost to students to use the internal academic support services.

If you believe you would benefit from any of these additional supports, please reach out to your Student Success Coordinator for a referral. We strongly recommend that you reach out for support at the earliest opportunity. During your program, your instructor may also provide a recommendation and/or referral if they believe you would benefit from additional support.

Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI)

LASSI is a tool used in the orientation and student success skills course as a diagnostic measure to help identify areas in which students would benefit most from educational interventions. LASSI assesses various skills of students including attitude, motivation, time management, anxiety, concentration, information processing, ability to learn/retain new information, comprehension, test preparation, and test-taking strategies.

Based on their assessment students are assigned various LASSI modules to improve their academic and personal management skills to increase their success in college. Those with significant anxiety scores need to learn how to reduce worrying and attend stress management workshops. Those with poor motivation scores might attend workshops on goal setting. Those with poor concentration scores need to learn techniques to redirect attention and eliminate interfering thoughts and feelings. Those with poor scores in information processing need to learn how to make information more meaningful personally and how to take better notes from lectures. Those with low scores in selecting main ideas need to be taught how to focus on critical information. Those with poor time management skills may need to learn how to stop procrastinating and manage their time.

Copies of student LASSI assessments are kept in student files so results can be consulted if academic support is needed later in their program. More information on LASSI can be found at Stenberg College has also recently partnered with a Study Skills Website so students and instructors can benefit from all the information it offers.


Students have access to hundreds of online nursing and allied health journals for their academic research and support on Stenberg College’s subscription to ProQuest’s Health Research Premium Database Collection which includes the following:

  • Nursing & Allied Health Database
  • Family Health Database
  • Health & Medical Collection
  • Health Management Database
  • Psychology Database
  • Public Health Database

ProQuest’s unique mix of training content, scholarly literature, and clinical reference materials is accessible to those preparing for a career in healthcare and allied health care professions. The variety of source types within the Health Research Premium Collection makes it easier for students and researchers alike to understand new subjects, access relevant literature, and monitor the latest thinking.

Personal & Mental Health Supports

If you need support with personal matters beyond the academics of your program, Stenberg College works with a network of coaches to help you achieve your goals. They can help you improve your time management skills, manage test anxiety, maintain relationships with peers and instructors, and other areas that you need support with.

Please reach out to your Student Success Coordinator for a referral if you believe you would benefit from one-to-one coaching. There is no cost to students for the first five (5) coaching sessions you receive, and additional sessions may be requested in extenuating circumstances.

If you are experiencing mental health challenges, a Stenberg College Official may recommend external resources to ensure you get the support you need. Student Services maintains a list of no-cost or low-cost mental health services available to students.

If you do not feel comfortable reaching out to a Stenberg College Official about any personal or mental health concerns, we recommend visiting, which is a free resource for students, provided by the government of British Columbia.

Online Resources

Through Moodle, our online learning platform, all students have access to dozens of online resources through the Student Resources page. This page contains learning tools and resources that will support you in becoming a successful learner and improve your academic success. Some of the resources include Moodle navigation instructions, research and study skills strategies, instructions to access the ProQuest database, academic writing and APA formatting guides, and much more.

To access this page, log-in to your Moodle account, click “Home” on the top navigation bar, and then click “Student Resources” from the homepage. If you have any difficulties accessing this page, please reach out to your Student Success Coordinator for support.

Open Labs

During some healthcare programs, “open” lab time may be scheduled to allow students to practice their skills, supported by an instructor. Please refer to your Program Schedule for open lab availability and connect with your instructor to sign-up for open lab time.

Financial Aid Services

Financial Aid representatives are available during regular business hours. You can discuss your student loan application, payment plan options, and strategies for financial planning.

Career & Alumni Services

While we cannot guarantee you a career, we will do everything possible to support you in your career search and guide you in obtaining employment. Many Stenberg College programs include a Career Search Strategies course as part of the regular curriculum. Additionally, our Alumni Services Coordinator can support you with your job search.

All successful graduates from a Stenberg College program are also entitled to lifetime assistance in the following areas: guidance in updating their resumes and cover letters, interview technique development, provision of effective career search resources, and referrals to identified career leads, as appropriate.

Please ensure to keep your contact information updated, as needed, by completing the Student/Alumni Contact Update form on our website. This is also important to do after you graduate as we maintain active relationships with our alumni, providing networking opportunities and access to special events.

Our Programs

Explore our healthcare, nursing, education, and business programs and learn what it’s like to study in Canada and at Stenberg College!

Business Diploma (Marketing Specialization)
Post Graduate Diploma in Canadian Nursing
Credit Transfer and Articulations

Stenberg College graduates from certain programs are eligible for transfer and articulation options to the following public post-secondary institutions:

Stories from Our Grads

Our students
love us!
